ARTOPIA is a company specialized in graphic design, the curation of artistic projects, and art book publishing. Our primary mission is to provide high-quality products and services in the field of creation, while adapting to the specifics of the local market.
We aim to create resources and wealth through impactful artistic projects. Our artistic policy emphasizes works with a solid concept, thoughtful approaches, and aesthetically innovative techniques.
As for our editorial policy, it focuses on publishing relevant and innovative discourse, contributing to the vibrancy and dynamism of the local art scene.
Edition, Graphic Design & Curation
(+237) 692 786 797

© 2024 Website created by Artopia
Graphic design by Francine Abada
Nos partenaires

Yves Xavier Ndounda
Directeur Général en charge de l’administration et de la direction éditoriale d’ARTOPIA
Our team is composed of professionals dedicated to assisting you in shaping your ideas, visions, beliefs, and aspirations into a language that resonates with your community.

Suzy Watre
Directrice des projets d‘ARTOPIA

Germain Tchuenté
Consultant en comptabilité et finances

Francine Abada
General Manager in charge of Marketing, Communication, and Artistic Direction at ARTOPIA
Vous êtes unique, et nos designs se veulent le reflet fidèle de vos valeurs. Ensemble, nous capturons l’essence de votre marque pour créer des visuels inspirants et impactants. Nos services sont 100 % personnalisables : de la conception de votre identité visuelle à la création d'un logo, d'un packaging ou d'une campagne publicitaire.
Vous n’êtes pas seulement un produit ou un service, mais une vision et une histoire que nous nous engageons à refléter visuellement à travers notre méthode AIDE : Authenticité, Innovation, Durabilité, Engagement.
Passionnés par les nouvelles tendances et technologies, nous proposons des solutions graphiques avant-gardistes pour vous démarquer dans votre secteur.
Conscients de l’importance de l’impact environnemental, nous privilégions les pratiques éco-responsables, des matériaux durables à la réduction de l’empreinte carbone.
Votre satisfaction est au cœur de nos priorités. Nous vous accompagnons à chaque étape pour vous offrir un produit final qui va au-delà de vos attentes.

L' Équipe Artopia

Francine Abada
Directrice Générale en charge de la communication et de la direction artistique
Yves Xavier Ndounda
Directeur Général en charge de l’administration et de la direction éditoriale
Suzy Watre
Directrice des projets
Germain Tchuenté
Consultant en comptabilité et finances
Stéphane Rousseau
Consultant en marketing

Artopia Team

Francine Abada
Chief Executive Officer in charge of Communication and Artistic Direction

Suzy Watre
Project Director

Germain Tchuenté
Consultant in Accounting and Finance

Stéphane Rousseau
Marketing Consultant

More than just a product or service, we carry a vision and a story that we translate visually through our AIDE method:
Authenticity, Innovation, Sustainability, and Commitment.
You are unique, and our designs reflect your values. Together, we bring the essence of your brand to life through inspiring visuals. Our services include the creation of visual identities, logos, packaging, and personalized advertising campaigns.
Passionate about new trends and technologies, we offer cutting-edge graphic solutions to help you stand out in your industry.
Aware of the importance of environmental impact, we prioritize eco-friendly practices, from sustainable materials to reducing carbon footprints.
Your satisfaction is at the heart of our priorities. We support you at every step to deliver a final product that exceeds your expectations.
Edition, Graphic Design & Curation
(+237) 692 786 797

Who We Are
ARTOPIA is a company specialized in graphic design, the curation of artistic projects, and art book publishing. Our primary mission is to provide high-quality products and services in the field of creation, while adapting to the specifics of the local market.
We aim to create resources and wealth through impactful artistic projects. Our artistic policy emphasizes works with a solid concept, thoughtful approaches, and aesthetically innovative techniques.
As for our editorial policy, it focuses on publishing relevant and innovative discourse, contributing to the vibrancy and dynamism of the local art scene.
Our Values
The company is committed to providing quality products and services in all aspects of its activities, whether in graphic design, publishing, or communication.
The company operates according to high ethical standards, prioritizing transparency, honesty, and respect in all its interactions and decisions.
ARTOPIA values innovation in the artistic and editorial fields, encouraging new ideas and approaches.

Who We Are
ARTOPIA is a company specialized in graphic design, the curation of artistic projects, and art book publishing. Our primary mission is to provide high-quality products and services in the field of creation, while adapting to the specifics of the local market.
We aim to create resources and wealth through impactful artistic projects. Our artistic policy emphasizes works with a solid concept, thoughtful approaches, and aesthetically innovative techniques.
As for our editorial policy, it focuses on publishing relevant and innovative discourse, contributing to the vibrancy and dynamism of the local art scene.
Our Values
The company is committed to providing quality products and services in all aspects of its activities, whether in graphic design, publishing, or communication.
The company operates according to high ethical standards, prioritizing transparency, honesty, and respect in all its interactions and decisions.
ARTOPIA values innovation in the artistic and editorial fields, encouraging new ideas and approaches.

Artopia Team

Chief Executive Officer in charge of Communication and Artistic Direction

Chief Executive Officer in charge of Administration and Editorial Direction

Suzy Watre
Project Director

Germain Tchuenté
Consultant in Accounting and Finance

Stéphane Rousseau
Marketing Consultant

More than just a product or service, we carry a vision and a story that we translate visually through our AIDE method: Authenticity, Innovation, Sustainability, and Commitment.
You are unique, and our designs reflect your values. Together, we bring the essence of your brand to life through inspiring visuals. Our services include the creation of visual identities, logos, packaging, and personalized advertising campaigns.
Passionate about new trends and technologies, we offer cutting-edge graphic solutions to help you stand out in your industry.
Aware of the importance of environmental impact, we prioritize eco-friendly practices, from sustainable materials to reducing carbon footprints.
Your satisfaction is at the heart of our priorities. We support you at every step to deliver a final product that exceeds your expectations.

Artopia Team

Chief Executive Officer in charge of Communication and Artistic Direction

Chief Executive Officer in charge of Administration and Editorial Direction

Suzy Watre
Project Director

Germain Tchuenté
Consultant in Accounting and Finance

Stéphane Rousseau
Marketing Consultant
More than just a product or service, we carry a vision and a story that we translate visually through our AIDE method: Authenticity, Innovation, Sustainability, and Commitment.
You are unique, and our designs reflect your values. Together, we bring the essence of your brand to life through inspiring visuals. Our services include the creation of visual identities, logos, packaging, and personalized advertising campaigns.
Passionate about new trends and technologies, we offer cutting-edge graphic solutions to help you stand out in your industry.
Aware of the importance of environmental impact, we prioritize eco-friendly practices, from sustainable materials to reducing carbon footprints.
Your satisfaction is at the heart of our priorities. We support you at every step to deliver a final product that exceeds your expectations.
More than just a product or service, we carry a vision and a story that we translate visually through our AIDE method: Authenticity, Innovation, Sustainability, and Commitment.
Who We Are
ARTOPIA is a company specialized in graphic design, the curation of artistic projects, and art book publishing. Our primary mission is to provide high-quality products and services in the field of creation, while adapting to the specifics of the local market.
We aim to create resources and wealth through impactful art